I had tested Ferdi/Ferdium in the past but never found a practical use for it. Now I see that it seems to be perfect as a control panel for omg.lol. Let’s see how it performs in daily use.

The Halist Browser AI (https://halist.ai/) is a project from Amir Salihefendic, Todoist founder and CEO, that adds interesting AI tools to Chrome, like answering emails, correcting spelling and grammar, and writing content. It is built with OpenAI GPT-3 and is worth a try.

Todoist does not yet offer the option to change icon color on desktop to match theme color. This (2y old) reddit post comes to the rescue: https://www.reddit.com/r/todoist/comments/gpqejt/contribution_you_can_change_the_icon_of_todoist/

My daughter´s Samsung smarphone is dying and she asked me for an iPhone. Interesting because she has never considered switching to iPhones before. I believe it´s because almost all of her friends at university own iPhones… What´s next? A MacBook?

A bit of nostalgy today. Things I miss:

My daughter just arrived home with 2 more tattoos. It’s her body, she follows her mind but, for me, the other two she already had were enough.

RPN always! No standard calculators here and I’m extremely jealous of my HP calculators (11C and 12C).

Santo André, SP, Brasil

Soundtrack for a sunny Saturday morning at the pool. 🎵

In January, 2022, I put my online store on vacation mode and it was a disaster, no customers orders for many weeks after. This year I took my laptop to the beach with me not to miss any opportunities - much better!

My wife is a professional calligrapher, this is one of her recent work.

I have just discovered that one of my printers, the Epson L14150, has a maintenance box that must me replaced when it’s full of ink. An unexpected cost, that I may need to consider from now on.

In the past I used to use Twitter, Medium, Reddit, Feedly and Instagram.

Now I keep all these plus micro.blog, social.lol, status.lol and now.garden.

My side project today was to configure email sending for both name@userid.omg.lol (using free tier of Zoho Mail) and userid@omg.lol (using 30 days free trial of Fastmail).

Both options were easy to setup and are working as expected!

Decluttering my Mac desktop

I came accross this Medium post today and it’s providential that it appeared just when I need to declutter my Mac desktop for the new year. It lists 5 Mac apps that helps to both organize the desktop and to increase the user productivity; one of them I am already using (HazeOver) and can recommend it myself; the other 4 I wil try soon. The apps on the post are:

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Understanding microblogging

I am still discovering this world of indie microblogging, reading Manton’s book and experimenting with micro.blog. One of my concerns was writing too much , and too many short posts that would pollute the micro.blog timeline. But then I understood that nobody will see what I post, except myself and those who (by any chance) follow me. So now I am feeling free to write what I want, when I want.

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I hope @manton doesn’t mind, but I managed a way to manually download the book, suitable for Kindle. Perfect reading for a week at the beach

Preparing all the stuff for a week at the beach. We may need a car for the family and another one for the luggage…🧳

2nd business day of 2023 and 6 new orders to deliver this week; most important, 3 orders are from returning customers. Expectations (and needs) and high for this year. I hope this good start will continue throughout the year.

For nth time I will try to journal regularly. I don´t know why it´s so difficult.