US Government: Do respect the Justice and the sovereignty of Brazil !

The Brazilian government receives, with surprise, the statement published today by the US State Department regarding legal action brought by private companies in that country to exempt themselves from complying with decisions of the Brazilian Supreme Court. The Brazilian government firmly rejects any attempt to politicize judicial decisions and highlights the importance of respecting the republican principle of the independence of powers, contemplated in the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988.

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You are managing to destroy your own country. Congratulations.

Proton CEO supporting Trump´s administration is fake news. But it makes me feel bad. My letter to Proton support team.

The author, a Proton Unlimited paying user, expresses dissatisfaction with Proton’s handling of a controversy involving its CEO and concerns about the service’s image.

You are playing the far-right game. In fact, you are the pawns.

I do not live in US. I live in Brazil; the decades of a dictatorial regime are still fresh in our memories and our (fragile) democracy is constantly under attack. If I can tell you something: You are playing the far-right game, I mean, you are the pawns and they are moving you, and sacrificing you, as they want. You are already denouncing each other, and being leaded to destroy who do not think exactly as someone told you how to think (you see them as enemies).

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Yes, I do believe that there is an orchestrated action against Proton and it’s CEO,  Andy Yen. The problem, in my view, is that both Proton, the company, and Andy, the individual, were taken by surprise and  were late to identify the attack and to react to it in a proper way

I am a bad boy for using Instagram and Whatsapp. Yes, I know. But my business depend on it. But also a bad boy for using Proton and Sure? Why? “Oh, we are on the same side but you do not think exactly as I think. You are too moderate”. I am really tired of it.

Remember… Together we stand. Divided we fall.…

Installed AOL app on my Android tablet to confirm that my account is still active. It is collecting dust for years and no spam at all! Only some emails from a mailing list that I forgot to unsubscribe.

I have just upgraded and renewed my Fastmail subscription; still considering a full switch from gmail to a custom domain.

Pensamentos na praia - 1 (Polêmico)

Deveria haver uma forma / sistema / processo / mecanismo para os donos das barracas, que disponibilizam cadeiras e guarda-sóis para os banhistas, receberem uma participação nas vendas dos vendedores ambulantes, como os vendedores de sorvete, milho, roupas e acessórios etc.

This is me, punching Neymar.

Elon Musk é o X, Jeff Bezos é a Amazon e Washington Post, Mark Zuckerberg é o Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp… Mas Tim Cook é a Apple? Andy Yen é a Proton?

Hi @Mtt thank you for the great Sumo theme. A quick question: is it possible to increase the size of the menu items? It is too small and almost unreadable, at least for my aged eyes 👀.

Há algum tempo, Andy Yen, CEO da Proton, incentivou o descumprimento a uma ordem judicial no Brasil (quando o X foi bloqueado). Agora, Yen declarou apoio a nomeações feitas por Donald Trump. Devo me sentir mal em continuar como usuário? Ou ligo o foda-se e apenas considero o que for melhor para mim?

Too many places to write: Day One, UpNotes, Workflowy, iA Writer, Gmail, Todoist, blogs… POSSE should apply to writing tools as well; all I want now is to centralize my writings in a single tool; just write and then define the destination: journal, blog a, b, or c, e-mail, notes archive, task app.

Às vezes a gente acha que faz parte de uma comunidade - mas é só ilusão.

Às vezes a gente acha que faz parte de uma comunidade; no começo você acha as pessoas simpáticas, parecem dispostas a ajudar; a gente se empolga com a aparente empolgação delas, quer as mesmas coisas que essas pessoas têm & usam, compramos coisas que não precisamos, assinamos serviços que não iremos usar, só porque todos começaram a falar neles; é sempre assim. Então nos damos conta de que é apenas uma ilusão; não fazemos parte, de verdade, dessa comunidade; somos, no máximo, tolerados - pelo dinheiro que pagamos e para que possam dizer que estão abertos à diversidade cultural.

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#MyFirstMac - MacBook White 2009. Still working.

Testing: Tutanota x FastMail x Proton x Gmail & Google Calendar x Outlook x Zohomail

All I want are apps that work. Am I asking too much? I hate it when I’m forced to use an app that doesn’t work, either because there’s no alternative or because common sense says it’s the best. Many apps that are simply broken (usually the UI) while others don´t deliver what they promise.

Tutanota x Proton Mail x FastMail

Além do Tutanota e do Proton Mail, comecei a testar também o FastMail; a princípio fiquei bastante impressionado com o bom desempenho do serviço, tanto nos apps para Android e iPhone e também na web; tudo muito rápido e funcional.

No “pacote” do Fastmail estão incluídos o email em si (estou usando o domínio, calendário, contatos, notas e arquivos na núvem.

Testei todos os serviços, que funcionam perfeitamente; o calendário é um dos mais completos que já testei, permitindo a assinatura de calendários externos e a sincronização com o Google Calendar; mas identifiquei 2 problemas muito chatos no app Android, do tipo que me impediriam de continuar com o serviço:

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